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4 in 1 Buckets

4 in 1 Buckets for Sale

At Solid Equipment Company, we offer the following 4 in 1 Buckets equipment:
gryb 4 in 1 buckets supplier in usa

GRYB 4 in 1 Buckets

The GRYB 4 in 1 bucket combines the use of a grapple, the strength of a standard thumb, and the functions of a ditching bucket. This bucket is ideal for all your multitasking projects since you can also easily switch between leveling, handling, digging, and excavation.

It features 45-degree inclination on each side and is available for all types of quick-couplers. These buckets offer better precision and control, in addition to improving safety on construction sites. They greatly increase machine productivity and versatility.

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