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MG Monster EVO Cable Granulator


The Monster EVO granulator is small and extremely efficient and can achieve 99.9% separation of plastics and metal in the first pass. We recommend adding a Turbo unit to increase your productivity by eliminating the need to pre-sort the wire and cable. The Turbo accessory may not be needed if you are only processing rigid cable.


Additional Info:

With the help of the Monster EVO cable granulator you can economically and efficiently separate valuable aluminum and copper components from insulation—an impossible task without the proper equipment to handle volumes of varying sizes! Solid Equipment Company can help you understand if this is the wire granulator that is right for you and your recycling objectives.

The Monster EVO wire granulator is recognized as the front runner in high volume metal recovery and recycling. It can separate two varying densities with 99.9% accuracy and can handle more scrap cable and wiring with a higher degree of recovery than virtually any other equipment.

While it has a compact design, it is incredibly efficient and can process up to 220 pounds of scrap cable and wire per hour. Types of scrap that it can handle includes:

  • Harness wiring
  • Automobile cables
  • Wire looms
  • Discarded household wiring
  • And more!

Make an Economic Decision

The durability and efficiency of the Monster EVO wire granulator will pay back your investment in a relatively short time span if given sufficient volume. However, it is important to note that recovered copper and aluminum values vary over time. That being said, when you are handling discarded wires and cables from automotive, industrial, and residential sources, the raw material should have a very low acquisition cost. The volume of raw material available will determine your investment’s break-even point.

Consider Optional Accessories

In addition to the Turbo unit, which can eliminate your need to pre-sort wires, we can offer the Tritronic 300 Pre-Shredder and Loaded Belt with a magnetic head pulley. This accessory allows you to efficiently and accurately process high volumes of both fine and coarse wire simultaneously.


Tritronic 300 Pre-Shredder

  • Dimensions: 51”x45”x66”
  • Weight: 992 lbs.

Loading Belt with Magnetic Pulley Roller

  • Motor: 0.25 HP

How Does the Monster EVO Work?

This machine uses a three-step process to separate metal efficiently and accurately. First it granulates the material, then pulverizes it, and finally air separates the material by density. In effect, the Monster EVO reduces scrap materials into granules to achieve clean separation of valuable metal components from plastic or other material of different weights through the airflow process. Keep reading for a more in-depth description of the process.

  1. The Tritronic 300 pre-shreds scrap wiring by splitting the wiring harnesses and wraps to make the material about 1″ in size.
  2. The Monster EVO then chops the materials into uniform granules to make separation easier. Depending on the majority size of the wire, screens can be changed with ease.
  3. The wire stripper finally separates the granules by specific weights with an air flow process. It channels the aluminum or copper components and waste materials to separate containers.

Monster EVO Cable Granulator Specifications

  • Dimensions: 62” x 55”
  • Weight: 1,543 lbs.
  • Motor: 10 HP
  • Capacity: Up to 220 lbs. of mixed scrap cable and wiring

Contact Solid Equipment Company to Learn More About the Monster EVO Granulator

To learn more about the Monster EVO and our complete range of scrap metal recycling equipment, contact the specialists at Solid Equipment Company! We will discuss and recommend the right equipment and accessories for your needs.

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Item: MG Monster EVO Cable Granulator