Separates small aluminum chips from shredded and ground plastic flake materials.
The clean, low-profile Eddy Current Separator uses Magnetic Finite Element Design to optimize the magnetic field, and maximize the focal point and strength of the gauss intensity. This results in the maximum separation of the flake material. Through this engineering design and software technology, you can achieve the cleanest plastic flake materials possible.
The Eddy Current Separators are available in 24″, 36″, 48″ and 60″ widths to provide non-ferrous conductive metal separation from non-conductive recycled materials. These are used extensively in the Plastics, Municipal, Electronics, Glass and Metal Recycling Industries to separate shredded aluminum, aluminum cans, bottle caps, hard drive housings and circuit board components into purer higher value product and metal streams.
These units can also be designed into “custom systems” in combinations with Transfer Conveyors into and out of the system, Magnetic Drum Separation Feeders, High Intensity Magnetic Separation Conveyors, Magnetic Crossbelt Conveyors and Vibratory Feeder Trays. Bunting Engineers will provide 3D System CAD Models and 2D dimensional drawings for system review analysis when orders are placed.
Uniform single-layer feeding for maximum separation efficiency.
Solid Equipment Company’s processing equipment specialists can help you identify the best recycling machines for any challenge with the right equipment and guidance to help you maximize your value while minimizing the costs of recovery.
Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, and more.
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Contact us using the form below or give us a call 866-948-5406